Wellness Clinic
My Approach
My Approach
My clients will often hear me say we need to find the first domino that fell. Typically this is either the primary cause or one of the causes that create a cascade of health issues and symptoms. If this is never identified, addressed or ignored because the symptoms are being managed then the imbalance that has caused the symptom, diagnosis or illness will often continue to create dysfunction in other organs and systems. Therefore the cycle repeats.
I am very nurturing, encouraging and supportive however I also hold my clients accountable and strive to encourage them to hold themself accountable and set in motion personal growth. I create ongoing communication, healthy boundaries and transparency as we go through this journey together.
I try my best to consider and offer recommendations that are realistic to my client's lifestyle to make their journey achievable.
I have programs & packages depending on what a client is looking for and the degree of their health concerns. Each program is a customized protocol for the individual comprised of 3 phases. See service page for more information